Collective courses

LES MAXICROCHES (3 ans) Poste 2e étage

Sylvain ROHNER offers the very young a privileged moment to discover the joys and mysteries of music.
Children enjoy a musical experience that will allow them to love music and discover its many elements.
Rhythm, instrumental discoveries, ear training are on the programme through multiple games, captivating stories, dances and rhythmic songs.

  • Maxicrochets from 3 years old on Wednesdays with Sylvain from 9.45 to 10.30 am & from 10.35 to 11.20 am
    12 children per group, the child must be toilet trained.
L’EVEIL MUSICAL (4-5 ans) Poste 2e étage

Colours of sounds, games of rhythm, simple and captivating instruments, songs from here and elsewhere, Clément COULEZ proposes an unexpected journey to introduce the young to a musical universe, which will allow the children to learn a language common to all.

Their senses will be awakened, in order to develop perception, sensitivity and attention.

SCHEDULE ON WEDNESDAYS (15 students max/group)
  • Group 1 : 13h10-13h55
  • Group 2 : 14h00-14h45
  • Group 3 : 14h50-15h35
MUSIC THEORY (from 6 years old)

Compulsory for a five year course, the musical training proposes an approach to music that raises the students' awareness and develops their organisation and understanding of sounds and rhythms.

This stage of learning is a guarantee of greater instrumental autonomy in the context of reading the musical score and of rapid participation in group music.

A work of listening, reproduction and analysis of musical notation, allows a clear and progressive acquisition of this new language, offering each child an additional form of expression.

From the very first lesson, the pupil becomes a musician through learning to play the recorder. This appealing and playful approach allows the musical symbols of the score to be quickly and directly associated with the instrument, to create a tangible link between writing and hearing music.

  • 1st year (Place du Bief - optional course)
    Monday, Tuesday or Thursday from 17h to 17h55
  • 2nd year (Place du Bief - optional course)
    Monday, Tuesday or Thursday from 18h to 18h55
  • 3rd year – (Poste 2e étage – cours au choix)
    Lundi de 17h à 18h – mercredi de 15h50 à 16h50, de 16h50 à 17h50, de 17h50 à 18h50
  • 4th year – (Poste 2e étage – cours au choix)
    Lundi de 18h à 19h – mercredi de 18h50 à 19h50
  • 5th year (Place du Bief - optional course)
    Monday or Tuesday from 19h to 20h
  • Solfège adultes (Poste 2e étage)
    Lundi de 19h15 à 20h15